XContest 2007

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Number of pilots in contest: 558

No. name and surname num. of flights open score registered info
1 Dominik Mauchle [Dominik] 4 211.15 p. 27.02.07 21:42 pilot details
2 Angela Baumgartner [angela] 0 28.02.07 08:08 pilot details
3 Werner Berweger [w.berweger] 7 366.92 p. 28.02.07 08:40 pilot details
4 Alex Graf [grafal] 6 287.16 p. 28.02.07 21:35 pilot details
5 Philipp Drexlmaier - Hug [philipp] 4 128.33 p. 01.03.07 06:21 pilot details
6 Bruno Fries [brunofries] 2 01.03.07 07:17 pilot details
7 Tristan H [Wolkenjaeger] 9 113.80 p. 01.03.07 07:46 pilot details
8 Beat Bregenzer [Bregi] 10 376.57 p. 01.03.07 08:09 pilot details
9 Beat Millius [ratrac] 14 256.66 p. 01.03.07 10:04 pilot details
10 Nadja Christen [gwaggli] 4 160.31 p. 01.03.07 10:09 pilot details
11 Beat Ritzmann [beri] 20 426.63 p. 01.03.07 10:30 pilot details
12 Roland Herzog [RLND] 5 389.54 p. 01.03.07 11:34 pilot details
13 Thomas Kalberer [Boilair] 1 98.94 p. 01.03.07 12:32 pilot details
14 Marcel Bucher [marcel] 6 245.31 p. 01.03.07 13:09 pilot details
15 Adrian Pally [Ace] 4 170.31 p. 01.03.07 13:27 pilot details
16 Severin Biber [Biber] 19 253.17 p. 01.03.07 13:50 pilot details
17 Richard Imstepf [rimstepf] 6 180.90 p. 01.03.07 15:09 pilot details
18 Claudio Vosti [vosti] 17 657.95 p. 01.03.07 15:20 pilot details
19 Brian Schwegler [bschwegler] 4 196.45 p. 01.03.07 15:47 pilot details
20 Lucky Luke [LuGa] 1 18.13 p. 01.03.07 16:10 pilot details
21 Gion Andrea Bergmann [sigma628] 0 01.03.07 16:28 pilot details
22 Raphael Gähwiler [raphael.gaehwiler] 4 102.67 p. 01.03.07 16:36 pilot details
23 Wolf Kraft [Wolf] 8 397.75 p. 01.03.07 16:37 pilot details
24 Peter Gassmann [Peter.Gassmann] 1 128.83 p. 01.03.07 16:39 pilot details
25 Wibke Apholt [Wibke.Apholt] 1 127.07 p. 01.03.07 16:42 pilot details
26 Michele Hodel [Michiti] 16 294.37 p. 01.03.07 17:30 pilot details
27 stefan hollenstein [skyman] 11 590.82 p. 01.03.07 17:37 pilot details
28 Fabienne Bernet-Furger [fabifu] 19 202.31 p. 01.03.07 17:39 pilot details
29 Anton Arnold [toni] 20 127.51 p. 01.03.07 18:22 pilot details
30 Sara Vosti [Sara] 2 29.12 p. 01.03.07 19:01 pilot details
31 Lorenz Steiner [stori] 8 434.58 p. 01.03.07 19:07 pilot details
32 Jörg Müller [mueller.joerg] 8 169.71 p. 01.03.07 19:33 pilot details
33 Michael Schläpfer [mschlaepfer] 0 01.03.07 19:36 pilot details
34 Samuel Jordi [SamJ] 2 74.25 p. 01.03.07 19:47 pilot details
35 Sergio Licini [SAirJo] 10 360.52 p. 01.03.07 20:08 pilot details
36 Andre Bussmann [A.Bussmann] 6 563.18 p. 01.03.07 20:12 pilot details
37 Thomas Blatter [tblatter] 13 771.48 p. 01.03.07 20:23 pilot details
38 Frederik Zwiebel [f.zwiebel] 9 315.40 p. 01.03.07 21:06 pilot details
39 Bruno Bohren [brbo] 2 01.03.07 21:34 pilot details
40 Philipp Steinger [Fippu80] 6 483.74 p. 01.03.07 21:57 pilot details
41 Adrian Lutz [alutz] 10 659.78 p. 01.03.07 22:09 pilot details
42 Michele Schäfer [mikyschaefer] 6 204.18 p. 01.03.07 22:17 pilot details
43 Roland Bohren [sagenhaft] 1 39.23 p. 01.03.07 23:51 pilot details
44 Rossano Zanga [wallaceegromit] 11 311.24 p. 02.03.07 06:29 pilot details
45 Alfredo Studer [alfredo] 7 766.49 p. 02.03.07 06:35 pilot details
46 Sacha Ritter [Sacha] 0 02.03.07 06:47 pilot details
47 Alex Fluri [spyder15] 7 290.18 p. 02.03.07 06:50 pilot details
48 Andrea Boehringer [boehringera] 6 196.90 p. 02.03.07 06:55 pilot details
49 Hansjörg Rudin [rudin] 14 02.03.07 07:26 pilot details
50 hansruedi hogg [hogg] 10 02.03.07 07:48 pilot details

Explanation notes:

  • category - the highest category of the glider on which pilot has flown at least 1 flight
  • open score - sum of points of 4 best flights
  • single score - sum of the points of 4 best flights at single glider

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