XContest 2007

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Number of pilots in contest: 2720

No. name and surname country num. of flights open score registered info
1 Jakub Havel [scorpi] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 24 580.27 p. 25.02.07 00:05 pilot details
2 Maria Grazia Crippa [mgrazia] IT FLAG Italy 0 26.02.07 10:16 pilot details
3 Antal Zink [Tolni] HU FLAG Hungary 0 26.02.07 16:37 pilot details
4 Karel Vejchodsky [charlie] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 30 1168.36 p. 27.02.07 00:50 pilot details
5 ALESSANDRO PERUZZI [PERAPENDIO] IT FLAG Italy 0 27.02.07 07:59 pilot details
6 Miran Kreuzer [needacloud] AT FLAG Austria 31 529.90 p. 27.02.07 11:42 pilot details
7 Marco Zonca [zoncatan] IT FLAG Italy 31 649.77 p. 27.02.07 17:54 pilot details
8 nigel prior [nige] GB FLAG United Kingdom 14 555.50 p. 27.02.07 18:06 pilot details
9 Dominik Mauchle [Dominik] CH FLAG Switzerland 4 211.15 p. 27.02.07 21:42 pilot details
10 Angela Baumgartner [angela] CH FLAG Switzerland 0 28.02.07 08:08 pilot details
11 Werner Berweger [w.berweger] CH FLAG Switzerland 11 522.63 p. 28.02.07 08:40 pilot details
12 Klaus Heimhofer [heimhofer] AT FLAG Austria 7 1183.64 p. 28.02.07 14:53 pilot details
13 Luciano Gallo [luciano.gallo] IT FLAG Italy 1 15.09 p. 28.02.07 17:08 pilot details
14 Alex Graf [grafal] CH FLAG Switzerland 6 339.30 p. 28.02.07 21:35 pilot details
15 Philipp Drexlmaier - Hug [philipp] CH FLAG Switzerland 4 128.33 p. 01.03.07 06:21 pilot details
16 Markus Hainzer [Markus] AT FLAG Austria 8 408.69 p. 01.03.07 06:44 pilot details
17 Andreas Ness [AndreasNess] DE FLAG Germany 1 10.77 p. 01.03.07 06:45 pilot details
18 Antonín Plátěnka [anton] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 18 277.67 p. 01.03.07 06:49 pilot details
19 Ritter Michael [rittifly] DE FLAG Germany 0 01.03.07 07:06 pilot details
20 Helge Fischer [d-nhfy] DE FLAG Germany 1 15.52 p. 01.03.07 07:07 pilot details
21 Franz Kaiser [wgai] DE FLAG Germany 0 01.03.07 07:14 pilot details
22 Bruno Fries [brunofries] CH FLAG Switzerland 2 01.03.07 07:17 pilot details
23 Uli Straßer [Mago] DE FLAG Germany 23 904.82 p. 01.03.07 07:19 pilot details
24 Fabrizio Cavadini [pambry] IT FLAG Italy 4 111.16 p. 01.03.07 07:25 pilot details
25 Oliver Teubert [OliverTeubert] DE FLAG Germany 0 01.03.07 07:25 pilot details
26 Christian Metz [chaoschris] DE FLAG Germany 0 01.03.07 07:27 pilot details
27 Benedikt Liebermeister [ben] DE FLAG Germany 4 283.15 p. 01.03.07 07:32 pilot details
28 Vladimír Keruľ /vlke/ [vlado] SK FLAG Slovakia 15 232.57 p. 01.03.07 07:36 pilot details
29 Wild Peter [pbwild] DE FLAG Germany 0 01.03.07 07:42 pilot details
30 Tristan H [Wolkenjaeger] CH FLAG Switzerland 9 150.76 p. 01.03.07 07:43 pilot details
31 Miloš Gorelka [Goo] SK FLAG Slovakia 24 580.22 p. 01.03.07 07:46 pilot details
32 Tomáš Vojtek [vojtas] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 0 01.03.07 07:47 pilot details
33 lubos kovac [Lubo] SK FLAG Slovakia 20 521.28 p. 01.03.07 07:49 pilot details
34 Schiele Jürgen [flytandem.de] DE FLAG Germany 7 260.13 p. 01.03.07 07:51 pilot details
35 Johannes Ferner [j_ferner] AT FLAG Austria 5 130.03 p. 01.03.07 07:58 pilot details
36 Jutta Reiser [Jutta] DE FLAG Germany 0 01.03.07 08:03 pilot details
37 Achim Manche [amanche] DE FLAG Germany 2 54.70 p. 01.03.07 08:05 pilot details
38 Milzin Viktor [Viktor] DE FLAG Germany 0 01.03.07 08:06 pilot details
39 Ingo Kallmeyer [IngoKallmeyer] DE FLAG Germany 13 212.79 p. 01.03.07 08:07 pilot details
40 Beat Bregenzer [Bregi] CH FLAG Switzerland 12 502.05 p. 01.03.07 08:09 pilot details
41 Vítek Fedra [veetek] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 50 676.85 p. 01.03.07 08:17 pilot details
42 Rolf Müller [rolfmueller] DE FLAG Germany 0 01.03.07 08:17 pilot details
43 sepp gschwendtner [seppgschwendtner] DE FLAG Germany 4 151.07 p. 01.03.07 08:21 pilot details
44 Štěpán Matěna [stepino] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 24 575.13 p. 01.03.07 08:24 pilot details
45 sebastian Heinz [Basti] DE FLAG Germany 0 01.03.07 08:26 pilot details
46 Bertold Gaiser [BertoldGaiser] DE FLAG Germany 2 38.61 p. 01.03.07 08:29 pilot details
47 Hans-Joachim IMRE [Advance] AT FLAG Austria 1 27.35 p. 01.03.07 09:04 pilot details
48 Hagen Walter [Hagen] DE FLAG Germany 0 01.03.07 09:11 pilot details
49 Uwe Krenz [UweKrenz] DE FLAG Germany 0 01.03.07 09:15 pilot details
50 Jiří Tichý [zk148p15] CZ FLAG Czech Republic 4 242.21 p. 01.03.07 09:19 pilot details
