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Club 100k+

The category includes all pilots who have logged at least 1 flight over 100 km. Ranking is given by the number of such flights. In the case of equal number of flights over 100k the second aspect for ranking is the longest flight of pilot.

1 km = 1 point, closed triangles are optimized as free distance over 3 turnpoints.

Check out "Desperado Club"! :-) Ranking of pilots who are closest to the 100 km mark.

Number of scoring pilots in this category: 3066

  1. bernd hohlmeier [berndhohlmeier]
    DE 34x [max. 259.57 km]
  2. Yavor Plashilski [doctora]
    BG 24x [max. 400.34 km]
  3. Christoph Burger [cristoburger]
    DE 24x [max. 159.76 km]
  4. Sebastian Benz [osimo]
    CH 23x [max. 553.21 km]
  5. Carlos Lopes [carloslopes]
    PT 22x [max. 508.97 km]
  6. Reavis Sutphin-Gray [reavis]
    US 22x [max. 329.79 km]
  7. Cedar Wright [cedarwright]
    US 21x [max. 291.16 km]
  8. Evan Garcia [egthekilla]
    US 21x [max. 264.19 km]
  9. Norbert Varga [v.norbi]
    HU 21x [max. 232.90 km]
  10. Eric Snap [EricSnap]
    FR 21x [max. 208.31 km]
  11. Patrice Hartmann [PatriceHartmann]
    FR 20x [max. 328.15 km]
  12. Arash Farhang [arash.farhang]
    US 20x [max. 266.43 km]
  13. Vladut Avramescu [vladutro]
    RO 20x [max. 231.56 km]
  14. Jonas Kälin [Jony]
    CH 20x [max. 218.63 km]
  15. Reynald Mumenthaler [reynald]
    CH 18x [max. 552.76 km]
  16. Pawel Bedynski [pbedyn]
    PL 18x [max. 200.57 km]
  17. Leone Antonio Pascale [leone]
    IT 18x [max. 182.19 km]
  18. Christoph Dunkel [ChristophDunkel]
    CH 17x [max. 487.17 km]
  19. Eusebio Soares [EusebioSoares]
    PT 17x [max. 481.65 km]
  20. Alex Loyarte [Alexloyarte]
    MX 17x [max. 451.30 km]
  21. Dora Goksal [dorarara]
    TR 17x [max. 356.40 km]
  22. Uli Straßer [Mago]
    DE 17x [max. 278.59 km]
  23. Tudor Dorobantu [TudorDorobantu]
    RO 17x [max. 258.77 km]
  24. Manuele Dondi [NotStrawman]
    IT 17x [max. 254.30 km]
  25. Markus Erb [dussel]
    CH 17x [max. 207.12 km]
  26. Georgi Dimov [Georgi_Dimov]
    BG 17x [max. 197.21 km]
  27. Dominic Rohner [rohnerli]
    CH 16x [max. 509.29 km]
  28. Mike Sicco [Mike63]
    IT 16x [max. 251.60 km]
  29. Christian Erne [Gligli]
    CH 16x [max. 232.22 km]
  30. Ovidiu-Mihai Marchitan [tzatzaovi]
    RO 16x [max. 222.82 km]
  31. Rafal Obora [Rafalmac]
    PL 16x [max. 214.35 km]
  32. Andreas Malecki [pepemalecki]
    DE 16x [max. 198.51 km]
  33. erfan ataee [Xc.machine]
    IR 15x [max. 360.61 km]
  34. Metin Kavuncu [Metin]
    TR 15x [max. 294.09 km]
  35. Damien de Baenst [damien_db]
    BE 15x [max. 272.41 km]
  36. Igor Casu [Ubitron]
    RO 15x [max. 242.48 km]
  37. Luc Ravi [mantra]
    FR 15x [max. 228.98 km]
  38. Karel Vrbenský [karel]
    CZ 15x [max. 221.48 km]
  39. Bogdan Bialka [SkyMaster]
    IE 15x [max. 166.09 km]
  40. Martin Holina [doktor]
    CZ 14x [max. 441.20 km]
  41. hikmet sabancı [hikmetsabanci]
    TR 14x [max. 333.46 km]
  42. Gilles Wachsmuth [GillesWax]
    CH 14x [max. 252.13 km]
  43. Roger Aeschbacher [aero101]
    CH 14x [max. 224.94 km]
  44. Stefan Timko [stefant]
    SK 14x [max. 214.36 km]
  45. Jérémie Lovey [Jeremie]
    CH 14x [max. 199.27 km]
  46. Marius Tanasoiu [marius.tanasoiu]
    RO 14x [max. 194.93 km]
  47. Nicolas Jacob [morfall]
    CH 14x [max. 193.55 km]
  48. Zsolt Gaspar [ZsoltG]
    HU 14x [max. 182.20 km]
