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Club 100k+

The category includes all pilots who have logged at least 1 flight over 100 km. Ranking is given by the number of such flights. In the case of equal number of flights over 100k the second aspect for ranking is the longest flight of pilot.

1 km = 1 point, closed triangles are optimized as free distance over 3 turnpoints.

Check out "Desperado Club"! :-) Ranking of pilots who are closest to the 100 km mark.

Number of scoring pilots in this category: 3066

  1. Gerold Dönni [geroldi]
    CH 3x [max. 123.84 km]
  2. Zdeněk Stehlík [Zdendas]
    CZ 3x [max. 123.83 km]
  3. Tomasz Mariański [tmarianski]
    PL 3x [max. 123.53 km]
  4. Martin Kubicek [martinkubicek]
    CZ 3x [max. 123.45 km]
  5. Jean-Luc Baumberger [JeanLuc]
    CH 3x [max. 123.34 km]
  6. Johanna Nobili [johanna05]
    FR 3x [max. 123.26 km]
  7. Daniele Vidal [danielevidal]
    CH 3x [max. 123.10 km]
  8. Svatopluk SVOBODA [Jiggy]
    CZ 3x [max. 123.08 km]
  9. Jirka Trpkoš [jirkajirka]
    CZ 3x [max. 123.05 km]
  10. Balz Müri [Balz]
    CH 3x [max. 122.78 km]
  11. Hamish Dicker [hidicker]
    NZ 3x [max. 122.58 km]
  12. Kouber Saparev [kouber]
    BG 3x [max. 122.33 km]
  13. Alex Meier [Aleeex]
    CH 3x [max. 121.88 km]
  14. Elvio Ferigo [ElvioFusine]
    IT 3x [max. 121.66 km]
  15. Alexey Merkulov [Alexmerk]
    RU 3x [max. 121.20 km]
  16. Jan Bernard [Jan93]
    IT 3x [max. 120.61 km]
  17. Philipp Hänggi [Phippu]
    CH 3x [max. 120.27 km]
  18. Laurent Joyeux [ljoyeux]
    FR 3x [max. 120.03 km]
  19. Michael Zürnstein [Jedi]
    AT 3x [max. 119.93 km]
  20. Oliver Sherratt [ollysherratt]
    GB 3x [max. 119.39 km]
  21. Lukas Svoboda [blacktiger]
    CZ 3x [max. 119.23 km]
  22. Jordi Roset [Sendu]
    CT 3x [max. 119.20 km]
  23. Feite Klijnstra [Feite]
    NL 3x [max. 118.88 km]
  24. John Georgosopoulos [JOHNGEORGO]
    GR 3x [max. 118.86 km]
  25. Maximilian Heim [heimmaxi]
    AT 3x [max. 118.80 km]
  26. Thomas Jirgal [funglider]
    DE 3x [max. 118.80 km]
  27. Frank Spurfeld [FrankSpurfeld]
    DE 3x [max. 118.74 km]
  28. Samuel Tanner [samueltanner]
    AT 3x [max. 118.70 km]
  29. Alfredo Betti [alfredobetti]
    IT 3x [max. 117.87 km]
  30. Dawid Krajewski [dawid_krakow]
    PL 3x [max. 117.65 km]
  31. Thomas Koster [tomkostair]
    CH 3x [max. 117.32 km]
  32. Maximilian Rotter [Rotty]
    DE 3x [max. 117.32 km]
  33. Vincent Dequidt [Vdequidt]
    FR 3x [max. 117.23 km]
  34. Jaromír Mašek [-JaM-]
    CZ 3x [max. 116.41 km]
  35. Egon Prader [egonao]
    IT 3x [max. 116.21 km]
  36. Nathan Fligge [ghish]
    US 3x [max. 116.17 km]
  37. Fabrizio Poggi [fabpog]
    IT 3x [max. 116.04 km]
  38. Nanda Walliser [hermans]
    CH 3x [max. 115.77 km]
  39. David Griffith [davidgriffith]
    AU 3x [max. 115.57 km]
  40. Silvia Buzzi Ferraris [silviabf]
    IT 3x [max. 115.27 km]
  41. Michele Enzio [Mikienzio]
    IT 3x [max. 114.88 km]
  42. Klemens Tschirren [tsk]
    CH 3x [max. 114.81 km]
  43. Davide Cassetta [Scialla]
    IT 3x [max. 114.66 km]
  44. Tobias Bünter [Etoubia]
    CH 3x [max. 114.59 km]
  45. Róbert Setnička [VelkyRobo]
    SK 3x [max. 114.53 km]
