Australian XContest 2009
Welcome to the home page of the Australian XContest 2009
We hope this national online contest encourages paraglider and hang glider pilots to submit their track logs in friendly competition and to share with others their flights made from any site within Australia. If you’d like to participate in this contest, you have to claim your flights on this site and not on another system.
A year-long online contest running from 1/10/08 to 30/9/09 (mirroring World XContest dates), all track logs since 1/10/08 can be submitted until 15/11/08, however after that date all flights must be submitted within 14 days for validity. Please read the Rules for detailed information.
All other pilots (who don't participate in the Australian XContest 2009) can claim their flights on the World XContest website. The World XContest provides a ranking over all national contests and allows you to review and compare the flights of all world wide pilots.
02. 01. 2009 - Happy New Year 2009!
New year is the time to celebrate a new beginning, a time to wish all your friends and loved ones a happy new year. We bring you something very special...
Now you can use our map layers with Airspaces and Skyways for planning your XC routes and flights. Map of thermals will follow soon :-) Enjoy it!
24. 06. 2008 - XContest in full interactive 3D - special feature!
From now you can enjoy flight view in 3D mode directly in flight detail at XContest! In the flight detail simply click on "G Earth 3D" button and allow installing the Google Earth Plug-in to your browser for the first time. Then you will be able to see all flights in 3D mode.
The Google Earth Plug-in currently supports the following web browsers on Microsoft Windows XP and Vista operating systems:
- IE 6.0+, 7.0+
- Firefox 3.0x, 2.x or 2.0x
- Netscape 7.1+
- Mozilla 1.4+
- Flock 1.0+
Support for other operating systems is planned in future releases of Google Earth Plug-in.
14. 11. 2007 - We would like to announce close partnership between XContest and Cross Country magazine. First issue of this cooperation is here:Enter your flights in the XContest and you could win a free subscription to Cross Country magazine, or a DVD of your choice.
As part of our partnership Cross Country is offering free prizes to those that participate in the league. Just before each issue of Cross Country is printed, the names of three pilots who’ve entered scores in the last two months will be randomly selected by our computer. Prizes for the winners of the different categories will be announced later in the year, but in the meantime you don’t need to be a champion to be a winner, so get those flights logged.
Basic page structure:
Left menu: Contains references to pages with information about flights, pilots and ranking in particular classes. Here you can also find rules and FAQ’s.
Right menu: ‘For Pilots’ contains references to pages which the pilot can use for registration, flight claims, pilot profile management, etc.
Administrator contact:
If you have any questions about the Australian XContest 2009, or any suggestions for improvements or alterations, please contact:
Kym Fielke:
ph. +61-404-911-600
Main goal of XContest:
The Australian XContest runs on the platform of the XContest project. The main idea of XContest is to provide pilots with a well-arranged and as simple as possible online cross country contest. The XContest project endeavors to provide all important information about flights and pilots world wide. The aim during flight information browsing is to give all users the opportunity to view all important data available from tracklogs. No additional software is required.
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